As I showed in a recent blog post, I carry a paper notebook around. I've been doing it for years. From Genevieve, I learned to paste stuff into it--like business cards, notes on napkins, and clippings from the Economist. That gives me an artifact and context (the notes around it), rather than having the artifact in one place and the notes in another.
I also, of course, note the prevalence of index cards. They're all over agile programming techniques, geek task organization and the current personal productivity trend.
And then there's the reinterpretation of digital artifacts in meatspace (blinkenlights, Space Invader's digital tile graffiti, and the "Connect-Four" version of Tetris).
Anyway, this has led me to conclude (of course) that
Analog is the new digital.
What does that mean? Got me, but it's a slogan. ;-)
You'll like this one:
don't forget Pixel Blocks - analog versions of pixels, perfect for recreating all your favorite 8-bit videogame characters
Ahh, so grey is the new black/white!