A phone a day: Samsung S100 (2003)

Here's another early Samsung phone, like the C100, that's less important for what it is than what it represents. Form-factor-wise, it's a generic clamshell. At the time, there were a zillion of these and they were all the same. Samsung's S100 is the same silver with a d-pad that all the other generic clamshell phones of the time were. It's even hard to know if it IS an S100. I found a bunch of phones from the era that all look the same and may have the same numerical designation, but with small changes. Samsung was clearly not as brand or industrial design focused as they became later. The most interesting thing to note is that this is probably the last appearance of external antennas on phones. As I understand it, by this point they were no longer technologically necessary, but they were still put on because of the psychological value of having something that represented radio communication. This is akin to that stage in TV design before they achieved distinct social visibility and needed to be disguised like wooden sideboards.


Background on the A Phone a Day project.

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This page contains a single entry by Mike Kuniavsky published on March 9, 2012 9:29 PM.

A phone a day: Microsoft Kin One (2010) was the previous entry in this blog.

A phone a day: Pantech Slate C530 (2008) is the next entry in this blog.

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