A phone a day: Nokia 3220 (2004)

I love the design of this phone. As Nokia's first Internet-enabled phone (according to Wikipedia), this phone was going to stand out no matter what, but Nokia also decided to push the envelope in terms of design, perhaps trying to capture in the phone's design the future that Internet connectivity represented. What they ended up with was something that looks exactly like what a prop from a 70s science fiction film about the year 2004 would look like: bright blue, biomorphic, with LED backlit translucent silicone gripper pads so that you don't lose it while in orbit. It also had a rave lighting ringtone mode that no phone come close to. Here's a video:

In short, it's a phone with enough vision and personality for five phones, and is a high point for Nokia's design, produced when they were probably at the peak of their confidence. It was also a pretty low-end phone, where all of the personality essentially came free with the manufacturing process. More phones should try to be this ambitious.


Background on the A Phone a Day project.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Mike Kuniavsky published on March 15, 2012 1:17 PM.

A phone a day: Samsung Eternity (SGH-A867) (2008) was the previous entry in this blog.

A phone a day: Anonymous Samsung Phone circa 2000-2001 is the next entry in this blog.

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